Crystals for your personality: which ones are best suited for you?

There are plenty of options available for crystals that match your life and personal style. You can pick crystals that symbolize your zodiac signs, your relationship status, and much more. As an example, if tend to attract people, it is possible to put on blue lace agate or amazonite.


Whether you love to travel or are a homebody it is possible to find a gem that is perfect for you. Fluorite is among the most popular stones for people who like to be outdoors. This isn’t an ideal alternative for those who have to spend much time indoors. Moss Agate is made up from millions of quartz crystals and it is the ideal crystal for people who exercise regularly.

Fluorite is another favorite stone to those who are looking for stones that can stand up to wear and tear. While it’s not as hard, but doesn’t possess the same strength as Amethyst It can nevertheless protect against scratches. It will be affected by sunlight if it is exposed.

Clear quartz

Clear Quartz can help you manifest your goals and desires. Its energy-rich properties will aid you in making your dream real. It’s easier to bring your dream reality if you’ve got the vision in your head of your goals. This is helpful for managing stress levels and to calm your mind.

Clear quartz crystals can be worn with the left hand to help you balance your body and clear your mind. Clear quartz can also be used to create direct intent.

Blue lace agate

Take into consideration your lifestyle and personal preferences before you decide on the most suitable crystal. In the case of Fluorite, it has 4 hardness, which is less than that of diamonds. Fluorite should not be used outside. Moss Agate On the other hand is made by millions of quartz crystals. It’s a great option for those who are active.

If you’re planning to collect minerals and rocks, you should know about geology generally, as well as the geochemistry of the regions that contain crystals in your state. There are a lot of sources available to learn more about geology, therefore, you should consider taking a summer class at your local college or university. Make sure you’re prepared to spend some time in learning how to take and preserve the crystals safely.

Moss agate

There are many varieties of crystal, but certain types can be more suitable for certain lifestyles. Your zodiac signs, your relationship with others and the personality of your partner are all aspects should be considered when picking the right crystal. It is possible that a turquoise stone will be an ideal choice for you if prefer to be a people-pleaser. If you’re more determined or are a fan of the blue color of lace or quartz, you may want to get a crystal.

Start by understanding the characteristics of the stones as well as their functions. There are many kinds of stones such as quartz, emerald, and aquamarine. Each stone is distinct and will always be different. Some rocks are that are more suitable for particular personalities or lifestyles than other ones. It is worth taking the time to study them. When you purchase a stone, make sure you know the hardness of it. If the stone has a hardness of four, it’s probably recommended to stay clear of Fluorite.

This article is contributed by Guestomatic.

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Jasper James
Jasper James
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